Early Morning Journal
A template for reflective journaling in the early morning to set intentions and organize thoughts for the day.
__Date:__ 01.01.2025 __Time:__ 05:30 AM __Sleep Score:__ 8/10 __Body Comfort Score:__ 6/10 __Yesterday’s Action Score:__ 8/10 ## What do you need to do today? - Finish signing up for passport renewal. - Clear out your old files and documents. - Get approval for your holidays. - Finish processing the Acme file. ## What did you learn from yesterday? - Do not drink a lot of water before meetings. - Reduce usage of mobile during meetings. - Excessive clutter leads to bad decisions. ## What did you accomplish yesterday? - Finished 3 client meetings. - Scheduled 8 sales meetings for next week. - Booked tickets for the holidays. - Organized by digital workspace. ## What task will give you the most benefit? Finish processing the Acme file. ## [Optional] Any dreams you want to expand on? I dreamt about falling down on a steep mountain while riding a bicycle. The whole location felt very familiar and the bicycle too looked very similar to the one I owned as a child. ### Context: - __Sleep Score__ - How well did you sleep last night? - __Body Comfort Score__ - How comfortable does your body feel as soon as you wake up? - __Yesterday’s Action Score__ - How much of yesterday’s plan were you able to accomplish?